With our vast knowledge of Display industry people all over Asia, we are a reliable, quality and of course, long term relationship supplier.
Our portfolio is composed of TFT and FSTN technology displays.
Below are some of our products available in Europe. Note all our portfolio is present here, if you don’t find the size/resolution you are looking for, just contact us for more details.
Size | Name | Active Area mm² |
main features |
1.4″ | IO014C0070 | 25.5 x 26.5 | 128×128, 250cd/m², NW, CPU |
1.8″ | IO018C0071 | 28.0 x 35.0 | QQVGA, 250cd/m², NW, CPU |
2.4″ | IO024C0072 | 38.7 x 49.0 | QVGA, 120cd/m², NW, CPU |
2.4″ | IO024I0008 | 36.7 x 49.0 | QVGA, 800cd/m², NB, CPU/SPI |
3.0″ | IO030I0077 | 39.2 x 65.4 | WQVGA, 400cd/m², NB, CPU |
3.0″ | IO030D0056 | 60.0 x 45.0 | VGA, 550cd/m², NB, DSC/RGB |
3.5″ | IO035I00016 | 70.1 x 52.6 | QVGA, 300cd/m², NW, RGB |
4.3″ | IO043I0006_v2 | 95.0 x 53.9 | WQVGA, 430cd/m², NW, RGB |
5.0″ | IO050I0091 | 81.9 x 110.0 | FHD, 1000cd/m² , NB, MIPI DSI |
5.0″ | IO050I0040 | 108.0 x 64.8 | WVGA, 650cd/m², NW, RGB |
5.7″ | IO057I0027 | 115.2 x 86.4 | VGA, 700 cd/m², NW, RGB |
7.0″ | IO070I0005_v3 | 154.1 x 85.9 | WVGA, 400cd/m², Wide VA, RGB |
7.0″ | IO070I0025 | 152.4 x 91.4 | WVGA, 500cd/m², Wide VA, LVDS |
10.1″ | IO101N0038_v4 | 217.0 x 135.6 | HD+, 500 cd/m², NB, LVDS |
10.4″ | IO104I0062 | 211.2 x 158.4 | SVGA, 300 cd/m², Wide VA, LVDS |
12.1″ | IO121I0015_v2 | 245.8 × 184.3 | XGA, 500 cd/m², NW, LVDS |
12.1″ | IO121I0075 | 261.1 × 163.2 | HD+, 400 cd/m², NB, LVDS |
15.0″ | IO150I0023 | 307.2 x 231.1 | XGA, 300cd/m², NB, LVDS |
15.6″ | IO156N0045 | 344.2 × 193.6 | FHD, 300cd/m², Wide VA, eDP |
– Some definitions to understand the table:
Optical Performances
FSTN is a robust technology which is perfect when information to be displayed does not require a large color range or high resolution. Reflective, with or without back-light, custom designs are simple. It is a perfect solution for icons, characters and up to QVGA graphics:
ImaginOrient FSTN standard products are in the table below:
Size | Name | Active Area mm² |
main features |
1.9” | IO019G0002 | 40.95 x 24.31 | 128×64, 50 cd/m² |
– | IO019G0007 | 40.95 x 24.31 | 128×64, Reflective |
3.2″ | IO032G0034 | 66.55 x 33.27 | 128×64, 3 cd/m² |
– | IO032G0012 | 66.55 x 33.27 | 128×64, Negative Blue, 200 cd/m² |
– | IO032G0037 | 66.55 x 33.27 | 128×64, Reflective |
3.9″ | IO039G0035 | 76.78 x 57.58 | 320×240, 20 cd/m² |
Multiple Color FSTN can be developed on a custom base.
Contact us if you don’t find your needs in standard list or need a custom design !
Negative Blue FSTN with custom In-Cell Touch
Under construction
Display systems can be addressed as a display module only, or as a System. A Display system can be the combination of a display module with a Touch Panel, a specific interface or even a CPU board to make a complete application.
Dual glass Capacitive TP lamination on a LCD display module (detail)
ImaginOrient Europe can take care for you of the assembly, testing and qualification of Display Components/Modules with other devices.
LVDS interface board fitted behind a standard TTL display module
-• ImaginOrient group take its strength from a TW based structure: Quality, Performance,Technical expertise are key parameters.
-• Communication, Culture, Relationship Expertise are key enablers for fruitful business with Asian suppliers.
-• Long Term Supply is very often seen as our key added value by our customers.